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Moist wipes flushable

While not everyone shares this opinion, there are many reasons here to love flushable moist wipes. For a start, they are infinitely easier to handle than standard wipes. Simply use them and throw away down the toilet! Why treat them like trash (which will start to stink anyway)? Additionally, flushable wet wipes are great for those with sensitive skin. The Domebobe flushable wipes are formulated with specific ingredients that aid in the soothing and purifying of skin, resulting to easy use.


Those of you with sensitive skin, salute; yes we know the struggle is real to find some proper gels that would not destroy your face! Many wipes are harsh on sensitive areas, leading to redness and discomfort. Which is why flushable wet wipes are the ideal way to go if your skin in all sensitive.

Why Flushable Moist Wipes Are the Best Choice for Sensitive Skin

Most importantly, these wipes are infused with all natural resources that make them perfect for your skin. Domebobe flushable wet wipes usually have a combination of ingredients like: ALOE VERA CHAMOMILE AND Vitamin E All work to not only cool your skin but also protect it from future irritation, so you can feel refreshed and CLEAN.


The transition to flushable moist wipes is quick and easy. These are easily available in grocery stores or your pharmacy. They are typically found on the same aisle as regular wipes. All you need to do is purchase them and then keep the package stored in a cool, dry spot until ready for use.

Why choose Domebobe Moist wipes flushable?

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